8lbs 2.3 oz
21 inches
Birth Story:
I checked into the hospital Monday night for a slow induction. They started a drug called cryotec at 8pm, and gave a second dose at 12am. I had regular contractions throughout the night, but was able to relax and even sleep a little. At 6am Tuesday, they slowly started the pitocin. Around 11:30am I got an epidural (which was a very odd experience, although definitely made things better). My blood pressure kept falling with the epidural, so they had me on oxygen and made me lay flat on my sides in order to maintain. After another few hours, I started feeling pressure with contractions, definitely no pain though. Then I got a little nauseous and the Dr. came in to check me. "Wow, we are ready for a baby!" he said. He started yelling at all the nurses to get everything ready. After only 3-4 pushes, baby Jacob was born! I cried and cried when I found out he was a boy and was screaming with healthy lungs! Hunter was so excited and a little emotional too and was really looking forward to telling the waiting family members.
The doctor worked to control my bleeding quickly, which was much easier to take with the epidural (this was the hard part of my delivery with Avery). Baby Jake took in a little fluid, so had to be monitored closely for a little while to make sure his breathing was steady. After about 30-45 minutes, we were both ready to greet family!
Papa Kevin, Papa Mike, Mawmaw Pam, GreatPapa Sam, Great Grandmommy Joyce, Uncle Alan, Aunt Nikki, and Aunt Linsey were all there to rush into meet Jacob. Everyone fell instantly in love!
My recovery was excellent. My doctor is absolutely amazing and made sure that I didn't have any of the postpartum issues I had with Avery, so I felt great and was able to enjoy my new baby completely! We left the hospital on Thursday and have been unbelievably blessed with love and support from all our family and friends. Baby Jake is perfect and even lets me sleep for 6+ hours at night (although broken into 2-3 hours spurts of course!).
Avery has adjusted beautifully to being a big sister. She loves to kiss and hug Jake and has never questioned this new addition to our family.
I am looking forward to being fully recovered and enjoying my time at home with my babies!
We are so very blessed and happy! God is great!
Love to all!
The Pontious Family
Moments after birth-Proud Mommy and Daddy
Meeting all the family for the 1st time!
Avery and Jake's first meeting
Sweet big sister!
1 week old
Wide eyed handsome little man!
Sorry, it posted my comment under my husband. lol
He is adorable. Congrats again. Your family is beautiful!
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