I hate working, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that about a million times now. To make matters worse, however, very large rats the size of house cats have taken up residence in our office building. Every afternoon they chase each other or run races or something in the rafters above my office. Their newest past time seems to be scratching the ceiling tiles above my office, leaving a nice little hole and tile shavings on the floor. I swear if a rat drops from the ceiling while I am working I will QUIT on the spot. NASTY.
My biggest fear is now being in my office with the door shut and locked, hooked up to my breast pump, when . . .WHAM, a giant rat falls through the ceiling. You're laughing right now, I know you are, but this would NOT be funny.
Pest control has been here and we have about 10 traps around, but so far, the rat races are in full swing.
As promised. . .here is my sap story:
For those of you who don't know, I actually hated working before I had Avery, but knew it was just a part of life. Money makes the work go round. After having Avery however, I feel my heart break every morning when I leave her and it doesn't start beating again until I pick her up. Everyone said, "don't worry, it'll get easier, I promise." They were wrong. It is getting harder. I pray every night that God will show me the right path to follow so that I can stay home and raise my children. I don't know how working moms do it. I can't possibly keep my house clean, cook decent dinners, care for Avery, and work full time. Let alone working out or shaving my legs, I gave up hope on those a while ago. My house is always a wreck, we eat take-out multiple times a week, and my baby is being raised by other people for the bargain price of $815 a month.
I'm thinking about possibly doing home care for one or 2 kids after Hunter and I pay down most of our debt (Lord willing - this could happen soon). Does anyone have any insight into doing this?
Hoping to leave the rat races soon,
Wow about the rats, but most warehouse type buildings have them...we have them at work too!
I'm sorry it's not getting any easier, but I'm sure Avery is doing wonderfully in daycare. As she gets older, she'll love interacting with kids her age...I wish I had that with Sydney!
I think my viewpoint on the whole SAHM issue is to work, work, work while they are little, and SAH when they are in school. Most school-aged children get in trouble between the hours of 3-5pm when parents are working and they're home alone. At least that's the advice I've gotten from a lot of older moms who did the reverse with staying home when the kids were little and working when they were older!
I would still love to SAH with Sydney, but that's not really an option right now...it WILL happen when she and any future child I have is in school...at that point I'll probably get a part-time job so I can be home when they are!
I really feel for you, because I feel the same way too...good luck in whatever you decide!
BTW, the deleted comment was mine...it was too long so I shortened it up! Hehehe...
keep me posted on your decision to be a in home day care - it's something austin and I have been struggling with, if we have a baby - who would care for him or her when we work? It would be a lot easier if we KNEW that person! :) PS - NO we're not "trying" but it is something we discuss!
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