On August 3rd, Avery moved up to the toddler class at her daycare. I almost cried. She's even trying to walk now, she's taken one little baby step on her own. She hasn't done it again yet, but I have a feeling that walking is in our near future! Anytime someone walks into a room, Avery says, "HI!"
Avery is completely weaned from nursing now, which is a little sad to me actually. She takes about 3 bottles a day (half stage 2 formula, half milk) and we are working on transitioning over to the sippy cup. I'm not in a huge hurry though because she's so small. The pediatrician told me its okay to wait till 13-14 months to wean her off formula since her weight is still in the 5 percentile! At her 1 year check up, she weighed 17 lbs 10 oz. What a tiny peanut. The Dr. is happy with her growth though, she's been on the 5 % line since she was a few weeks old, so she is growing steady! She is tall though, 70th percentile.
Here are the newest pics of her playing and turning into a toddler. . . crazy!

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