It's one of life's greatest quandaries! I complain endlessly about how slow time goes while working, yet I blink and my first baby is almost 1 already!! I need to make up my mind. Do I want time to move slowly, or do I want the days to fly by? I know the answer, I want time to move slowly, I need to stop complaining, period!
I'm lucky to have a job, especially one that pays decent and where I get to work with great co-workers every day. I'm lucky that I get to live a lifestyle I could have never dreamed of at my young age. Avery is beautiful, happy, healthy, and the greatest gift I could ever have been given. Hunter and I are deeply in love and appreciate each other.
Seriously. . .WHAT do I have to complain about? Sometimes I have to shake myself out of it . . . and remember to stop and smell the roses.
I think all this stupid Jon and Kate crap has made me realize how important it is to be grateful, express how you feel, and enjoy reality . . . and to NEVER be on a "reality" show. (hehe)
Enjoy your day! Every minute of it.
The newly positive (we'll see how long it lasts!),