I am so excited that it is now March. This is my last month of full-time work...ahh, light at the end of the tunnel. I am scheduled to start working part-time April 1st and then have April 15th be my last day (assuming baby cooperates with this schedule of course!).
I don't think I'll complain if this little one decides to come a few weeks early like big sister Avery did. In fact, I KNOW I won't complain, and I am hoping that this pregnancy will be about 38 weeks (which means only 7 weeks left!).

(30.5 Weeks)
Hunter put up crown-molding in the nursery and we have all the furniture set up. I need to organize the closet and hang up some decorations as well as do a few loads of baby laundry. Other than that, we are pretty much ready!
Everyone keeps asking me if Avery is excited. The truthful answer is that the poor child has NO CLUE what is going on. She will point at my belly when we ask her where the baby is, but she's not comprehending the big picture. Her life will be completely turned upside down in April when this baby comes home. I'm ready for a rough adjustment for her and I'm already praying that she transitions well into having a sibling.
Happy spring time everyone! It's baby season, yay! lol