She's not walking yet, but can scoot around pretty fast. She gets carpet burns on her leg from doing a one leg crawl, one leg scoot thing. .. funny to watch! Avery LOVES swimming, especially with her Daddy. That has become their special Daddy/daughter time in the evenings (Mommy gets lots of cleaning done during this time!). She loves to eat too, although you wouldn't know it from her tiny frame.
She is mostly weaned from breast feeding, I only nurse her before bed at night. We'll hang on to that last nursing session for a while yet. I'm pretty excited that we've made it this far! She had her first bottle of formula at 10 months old. I have starting giving her bottles of formula with regular milk mixed in to try to switch her off formula completely!
Can't believe soon she will be bottle free, walking, talking, and who knows what else!
Hunter and I both feel that Avery is getting cuter every day. She also has the best personality I've ever seen in a one year old. I am just completely and totally in love with this little girl. Just look how far we've come!

My heart melts looking at these pictures! I'm just hoping I don't blink and miss anything.
Oh yeah. . .one year later, I think it's safe to say the blue eyes are staying (click for a closer look):
